What is Gingivitis? Is gum inflammation painful? How is gingival treatment applied? Let’s find out. Gingivitis is a non-destructive disease that causes inflammation of the gums. Irritation, redness, swelling and inflammation of the gums are symptoms of the disease. It is very important to treat gingivitis in a timely manner. Otherwise, gingivitis can turn into a more serious disease called periodontitis. The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene. Therefore, oral hygiene is of utmost importance to avoid from gingival diseases. Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day and dental floss should be used. You should also visit your dentist regularly.
Symptoms of Gingivitis
A healthy gum is pale pink in colour, dull, indented and hard. In case of a gingival disease, the following symptoms appear:
- Dark red gums
- Swollen gums
- Bad breath
- Gums that bleed easily when brushing or flossing
- Sensitivity in the gums
A doctor should be consulted as soon as you notice signs of gingivitis. The sooner the doctor is consulted, the easier it is to prevent the damage caused by gingivitis.

What is the Underlying Cause of Gingivitis?
One of the most common causes of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene. Plaques on the teeth turn into tartar over time and these tartars cause gingivitis.
- The sugars in food interact with the bacteria in the mouth and form plaque on the teeth, which is mostly made up of bacteria. Since dental plaque regenerates quickly, teeth should be brushed and cleaned every day.
- Plaque that is not cleaned hardens under the gum line and turns into tartar over time. Tartar causes irritation along the gum line. Plaques that turn into tartar can only be cleaned with the help of a dentist.
- If dental plaque and tartar remain in the mouth for a long time, it causes irritation at the base of the gums and eventually dental inflammation. Over time, the gums swell and become prone to bleeding. Gingivitis also causes tooth decay. Untreated gingivitis can cause periodontitis and tooth loss.
Some other factors that cause gingivitis are as follows:
- Smoking and tobacco use
- Diabetes
- Use of some medicines
- Broken fillings
- Structural defects in the teeth
- Pregnancy
- Genetic factors
How to Prevent Gingivitis?
- Attention should be paid to oral hygiene.
- Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day and interdental spaces should be cleaned with dental floss.
- Teeth should be brushed after every meal and snack.
- Every 6 to 12 months you should go to the dentist for regular dental check-ups. • Habits that cause dental inflammation such as smoking, excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks should be given up.
For more information about gum inflammation & gingival treatment, please contact Antalya Smile Designs.
The page content is solely for information purposes. Please always consult our dentists for diagnosis and treatment.

Antalya Smile Designs
As Antalya Smile Designs Oral and Dental Health Clinic; we offer you treatment opportunities suitable for patients from all ages, in one of the most special locations of Antalya, using the latest cutting-edge technology. If you want to get support from a fully equipped clinic with an expert team in the field of oral and dental health, we welcome you at our clinic.
Which Treatment Options Do We Offer at the Clinic?
As Antalya Smile Designs family, we successfully perform many important applications in our clinic. We always use the best devices and the highest quality materials. In this way, we achieve the best results in all our procedures and provide 100% patient satisfaction.
Which Treatment Options Do We Offer at the Clinic?
As Antalya Smile Designs family, we successfully perform many important applications in our clinic. We always use the best devices and the highest quality materials. In this way, we achieve the best results in all our procedures and provide 100% patient satisfaction. The following are the treatment and procedures we mainly perform in our clinic:
- Implant treatments
- Root canal treatment
- Tooth bleaching procedures
- Dental crown applications
- Orthodontic treatments
- Prosthesis applications
- Maxillofacial surgery applications
- Pedodontics applications
- Smile design
- Routine oral and dental health checks
And not only these, of course. You can visit us for many more applications and treatments for oral, dental and jaw health.
Why Antalya Smile Designs?
It is your supreme right to get support from a clinic with the best equipment and a team of experts in oral and dental health treatments. There are many reasons for you to visit and prefer us.