Space Maintainer Treatment

Space Maintainer Treatment

Space maintainer treatment is used to prevent adjacent teeth from shifting. A space maintainer is a device used to hold the spot left by a baby tooth that was lost due to decay or injury. They are used for space maintenance in the primary and mixed dentition. Shifting may occur for teeth adjacent to cavity of the lost deciduous teeth. This treatment is usually needed during the transition period from deciduous teeth to permanent teeth.

How is It Performed?

In space maintainer treatment, the patient’s oral condition is checked with intraoral examination and x-ray. After a detailed examination, it is decided whether it is suitable for treatment. In this treatment, firstly, a dental impression is taken from the mouth. The impression is sent to the laboratory and a Space maintainer suitable for the teeth is designed. Treatment process may take 2-3 sessions on average. Space maintainer is made to prevent the teeth adjacent to the cavity of the lost teeth from shifting and the tooth opposite to the upper or lower tooth from elongating. Thus, tooth distortions, mouth closure disorders, speech and chewing functions are regulated.

How & When is Space Maintainer Treatment Required?

In cases where the milk tooth is lost before the normal time, space maintainer treatment can be applied to the tooth. During primary dentition, it is of vital importance to maintain dental space.

Considerations for Space Maintainer Treatment

Those who use space maintainers should pay attention to oral and dental hygiene. Otherwise, the food accumulated around this appliance may cause new cavities. If there are problems such as sores in the mouth when it is first used, the dentist should be consulted. After the treatment, no pain is felt in the tooth. No sensitivity develops in this treatment. The child to be treated for space maintenance should accept this treatment and be able to adapt to living with this appliance. Afterwards, children should pay attention to oral and dental hygiene. Otherwise, the food accumulated around this appliance may cause new caries. After the treatment, the child should be checked every 6 months.

When Can You Eat and Drink Post-Treatment?

Patients can eat and drink 2 hours after space maintenance application. They can return to social life immediately after this treatment.

For more informatiıon about space maintainer treatment, please contact Antalya Smile Designs.

The page content is solely for information purposes. Please always consult our dentists for diagnosis and treatment.

Antalya Smile Designs

As Antalya Smile Designs Oral and Dental Health Clinic; we offer you treatment opportunities suitable for patients from all ages, in one of the most special locations of Antalya, using the latest cutting-edge technology. If you want to get support from a fully equipped clinic with an expert team in the field of oral and dental health, we welcome you at our clinic.

Which Treatment Options Do We Offer at the Clinic?

As Antalya Smile Designs family, we successfully perform many important applications in our clinic. We always use the best devices and the highest quality materials. In this way, we achieve the best results in all our procedures and provide 100% patient satisfaction.

Which Treatment Options Do We Offer at the Clinic?

As Antalya Smile Designs family, we successfully perform many important applications in our clinic. We always use the best devices and the highest quality materials. In this way, we achieve the best results in all our procedures and provide 100% patient satisfaction. The following are the treatment and procedures we mainly perform in our clinic:

  • Implant treatments
  • Root canal treatment
  • Tooth bleaching procedures
  • Dental crown applications
  • Orthodontic treatments
  • Prosthesis applications
  • Maxillofacial surgery applications
  • Pedodontics applications
  • Smile design
  • Routine oral and dental health checks

And not only these, of course. You can visit us for many more applications and treatments for oral, dental and jaw health.

Why Antalya Smile Designs?

It is your supreme right to get support from a clinic with the best equipment and a team of experts in oral and dental health treatments. There are many reasons for you to visit and prefer us.
