Crowded Teeth Treatment

Crowded Teeth Treatment

Crowded teeth (dental crowding) treatment are applications that patients mostly apply with aesthetic concerns. Especially crowded anterior teeth look aesthetically bad. They may cause some problems between the mouth and lips. There are extremely important and effective methods preferred for the correction of these teeth. With these treatments, the crowded teeth are straightened and a smoother tooth appearance is obtained.

Can Crowded Teeth Be Treated?

Treatment of crowded teeth is of course a possible situation. In other words, existed for many years, crowded teeth and gaps between them are treated comfortably. We should also mention that these treatments are extremely easy. The earlier the treatment for crowded teeth is started, the more beneficial it will be. In childhood, the shaping of teeth takes place much easier and faster. Therefore, it is recommended to start treatments for crowded teeth as early as possible.

Why Do Teeth Become Crowded?

Crowded teeth mostly occur due to genetic reasons or insufficient care of the deciduous teeth. It is extremely important that deciduous teeth are protected and fall out on time. If a protective plate is not placed in the place of that tooth after a possible milk tooth extraction, the teeth will not erupt correctly. Therefore, the problem of crowded teeth will occur.

Treatment Methods

For crowded teeth treatment, the most preferred and applied one is using wire braces. These braces have been used for many years for tooth deformities and crowded teeth. Suitable for patients of all ages, it much better to perform when crowded teeth occurs. If the cause of crowded teeth is skeletal, surgical application may also be required. As technology advances, wire-free treatment methods have also started to be applied in recent years. Wire-free orthodontic treatments are a good method for adults who are often uncomfortable with the appearance of wires. Another important preferred method is transparent dental aligners. Thanks to these methods, a great deal of improvement and solutions are provided for dental crowding. Your dentist at Antalya Smile Designs will decide about the most suitable approach for your dental crowding after the necessary dental examination.

Antalya Smile Designs

As Antalya Smile Designs Oral and Dental Health Clinic; we offer you treatment opportunities suitable for patients from all ages, in one of the most special locations of Antalya, using the latest cutting-edge technology. If you want to get support from a fully equipped clinic with an expert team in the field of oral and dental health, we welcome you at our clinic.

Which Treatment Options Do We Offer at the Clinic?

As Antalya Smile Designs family, we successfully perform many important applications in our clinic. We always use the best devices and the highest quality materials. In this way, we achieve the best results in all our procedures and provide 100% patient satisfaction.

Which Treatment Options Do We Offer at the Clinic?

As Antalya Smile Designs family, we successfully perform many important applications in our clinic. We always use the best devices and the highest quality materials. In this way, we achieve the best results in all our procedures and provide 100% patient satisfaction. The following are the treatment and procedures we mainly perform in our clinic:

  • Implant treatments
  • Root canal treatment
  • Tooth bleaching procedures
  • Dental crown applications
  • Orthodontic treatments
  • Prosthesis applications
  • Maxillofacial surgery applications
  • Pedodontics applications
  • Smile design
  • Routine oral and dental health checks

And not only these, of course. You can visit us for many more applications and treatments for oral, dental and jaw health.

Why Antalya Smile Designs?

It is your supreme right to get support from a clinic with the best equipment and a team of experts in oral and dental health treatments. There are many reasons for you to visit and prefer us.
