What is Dental Abscess?

What is Dental Abscess?

What is dental abscess? What are the symptoms? What is the classification abscesses? Acute versus chronic abscess? These are wondered by many people. Abscess is an extremely painful condition that occurs in any part of the body. Abscesses can be thought of as if they are bacteria or germs. However, on the contrary, abscesses are the body’s reactions to bacteria. Mostly seen in mouth, it is possible to come across abscesses in other body parts.

What is Dental Abscess?

Dental abscess is a problem that occurs in the mouth and causes redness and pain. As we mentioned before, abscesses are not bacteria, but reactions to bacteria in the body. It has an extremely uncomfortable effect in the mouth. Apart from the feeling of pain, it is also a problem for dental treatments to be performed. Before any dental treatment, dental abscess must be treated. Dental abscess is also very uncomfortable for patients because it also causes odour in the mouth.

Classification of Abscesses

Classification of dental abscesses is as follows:

  • Gingival abscess. The gingival abscess involves the marginal gingival and interdental tissues.
  • Periodontal abscess. The periodontal abscess is an infection located contiguous to the periodontal pocket and may result in destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone.
  • Pericoronal abscess. The pericoronal abscess is associated with the crown of a partially erupted tooth.

Acute Versus Chronic Abscess

Abscesses are categorized as acute or chronic. The acute abscess is often an exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory periodontal lesion. Influencing factors include increased number and virulence of bacteria present, combined with lowered tissue resistance and lack of spontaneous drainage. The drainage may have been prevented by a deep, tortuous pocket morphology, debris, or closely adapted pocket epithelium blocking the pocket orifice. Acute abscesses are characterized by painful, red, edematous, smooth, and ovoid swelling of the gingival tissues. Exudate may be expressed with gentle pressure; the tooth may be percussion sensitive and feel elevated in the socket. Fever and regional lymphadenopathy are occasional findings.

What are the Symptoms of Dental Abscess?

The symptoms of abscess in the tooth must be known and when these symptoms occur, it is necessary to consult a dentist. The most important symptoms of dental abscesses are as follows:

  • Persistent and continuous pain in the teeth
  • Pain, especially when eating and drinking
  • Sensitivity of the teeth while eating
  • Sensitivity especially to cold and hot foods
  • Swelling of the neck and face caused by abscess
  • High fever

How should Dental Abscess be Treated?

When abscess treatment is performed, it is first checked whether the abscess is at the root of the tooth or between the teeth. Root canal treatment is required for abscesses at the root of the tooth. Even in cases where root canal treatment is insufficient, the problem can be corrected by surgical intervention. If the abscess is between the teeth, such areas are hygienically cleaned. Afterwards, the surfaces of the tooth root are cleaned to prevent abscess formation again. A fully equipped clinic and qualified dentist should be preferred for dental abscess treatment. Dental abscess treatment will be performed by a dental specialist in a short time. It will be much more beneficial to diagnose the problem early and then start treatment immediately.

For more information, please contact Antalya Smile Designs.

The page content is solely for information purposes. Please always consult our dentists for diagnosis and treatment.

Antalya Smile Designs

As Antalya Smile Designs Oral and Dental Health Clinic; we offer you treatment opportunities suitable for patients from all ages, in one of the most special locations of Antalya, using the latest cutting-edge technology. If you want to get support from a fully equipped clinic with an expert team in the field of oral and dental health, we welcome you at our clinic.

Which Treatment Options Do We Offer at the Clinic?

As Antalya Smile Designs family, we successfully perform many important applications in our clinic. We always use the best devices and the highest quality materials. In this way, we achieve the best results in all our procedures and provide 100% patient satisfaction.

Which Treatment Options Do We Offer at the Clinic?

As Antalya Smile Designs family, we successfully perform many important applications in our clinic. We always use the best devices and the highest quality materials. In this way, we achieve the best results in all our procedures and provide 100% patient satisfaction. The following are the treatment and procedures we mainly perform in our clinic:

  • Implant treatments
  • Root canal treatment
  • Tooth bleaching procedures
  • Dental crown applications
  • Orthodontic treatments
  • Prosthesis applications
  • Maxillofacial surgery applications
  • Pedodontics applications
  • Smile design
  • Routine oral and dental health checks

And not only these, of course. You can visit us for many more applications and treatments for oral, dental and jaw health.

Why Antalya Smile Designs?

It is your supreme right to get support from a clinic with the best equipment and a team of experts in oral and dental health treatments. There are many reasons for you to visit and prefer us.
